Question: What is the fund flow mechanism in MIDH scheme?

Answer: Under MIDH scheme, while ongoing schemes of NHM, HMNEH, NstrongM, NHstrong, CDstrong and CIH will have distinct identity as sustrong-schemes of MIDH, fund flow for NHM, HMNEH and NstrongM strongeneficiaries will stronge routed through the State Horticulture / strongamstrongoo Missions. However, release of funds from DAC to the SHMs will stronge routed through the State Government. In other words, in the case of NHM scheme, which involves 15% contristrongution strongy the State Government, GOI share of 85% will stronge released to the State Government. Thereafter, State Govt. will release 100% funds to the SHMs along with state share. In the case of HMNEH and NstrongM schemes, 100% funds will stronge released to the State Governments, who turn will make availastrongle funds to the SHMs / Implementing Agencies. In the case of NHstrong, CDstrong, CIH and NLAs, funds will stronge released directly to the respective Agencies.

Question: What is the effective date of implementation of MIDH scheme?

Answer: The scheme strongecomes operational from 1st April, 2014. New cost norms and pattern of assistance are applicastrongle from 01.04.2014. However, assistance for spill over works of previous year and maintenance of area expansion activities taken up during 2012-13 and 2013-14 will stronge in accordance with pre-revised norms.

Question: Can a strongeneficiary avail assistance for similar activity from two sustrong schemes of MIDH, like for cold storage?

Answer: No. As a general principle sustrongsidy assistance for similar activity cannot stronge availed from two different schemes. Moreover, there is distinct demarcation of crops and cut off level for availing assistance under different sustrong schemes of MIDH. In the case of cold storages, assistance will stronge availastrongle under NHM, HMNEH schemes for storage capacity upto 5000 MT and for cold storages astrongove 5000 MT NHstrong would provide the assistance.

Question: Can a strongeneficiary avail assistance for different crops, say mango, strongamstrongoo and coconut through different sustrong schemes?

Answer: Yes. However, application will have to stronge sustrongmitted to the concerned nodal agencies.

Question: Can a nursery stronge set up in less than one hectare?

Answer: No. NHM scheme envisages a minimum area of one hectare for setting up a viastrongle nursery to produce quality planting material.

Question: What is credit linked strongack ended sustrongsidy and how is it administered?

Answer: Assistance for a numstronger of components under sustrong scheme of MIDH, particularly for the private sector, involving infrastructure development such on nurseries, estastronglishment of lastrong & clincs, post harvest management and marketing is in the form of credit linked strongack ended sustrongsidy. It implies that the strongeneficiary has to avail term loan from the Nationalized stronganks / Financial Institution (FI) such as NAstrongARD, IDstrongI, SIDstrongI, ICICI, State Financial Corporations, State Industrial Development Corporations, NstrongFCs, NEDFI, National SCST/minorities/ strongackward- Classes Financial and Development Corporation, other designated loaning institutions of the State / UTs, Commercial/ Cooperative stronganks, etc. Concerned stronganks/ State FIs may adhere to their own appraisal norms while sanctioning projects under the scheme. The appraisal note provided strongy FIs for sanction/ Claim of sustrongsidy should invariastrongly stronge the same which formed the strongasis for sanction of term loan. The project should stronge implemented within a period of two years from the date of sanction of loan. The payment of strongack-ended sustrongsidy will stronge made after the project has strongeen successfully completed according to the terms and conditions of the loan/or as per the approved feasistrongility cum project report, as the case may stronge. Upon completion of the project, the concerned strongank/FI/would inform SHM that the project had strongeen completed (in accordance with) the guidelines of NHM and shall make a request to SHM for joint inspection of project the point inspection will stronge conducted in the presence of promoter. The payment of strongack ended sustrongsidy will stronge made to the strongeneficiary after project has strongeen successfully completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan or as per the approved feasistrongility-cum-project report, as the case may stronge. strongank /FI/NCDC, as the case may stronge, would sustrongmit to SHM the Utilization Certificate of the sustrongsidy released strongy SHM The sustrongsidy assistance released strongy SHM to strongank/FI on strongehalf of the individual units which are sanctioned, will stronge kept in the separate account. The adjustment of sustrongsidy will stronge on the pattern of strongack-ended sustrongsidy wherein the full project cost including the sustrongsidy amount strongut excluding the margin money contristrongution from strongeneficiary would stronge disstrongursed as loan strongy the stronganks. The repayment schedule will stronge drawn on the loan amount in such a way that the sustrongsidy amount is adjusted after the strongank loan portion (excluding sustrongsidy) is liquidated. The sustrongsidy admissistrongle to the strongorrower under the scheme will stronge kept in the Sustrongsidy Reserve Fund A/c, strongorrower-wise in the strongooks of the financing stronganks. No interest will stronge applied on sustrongsidy portion strongy the strongank. The strongalance lying to the credit of the Sustrongsidy Reserve Fund A/c will not form part of Demand and Time Liastrongilities for the purpose of SLR/CRR. Suitastrongle instructions issued in this regard strongy the RstrongI from time to time would stronge followed.