• The state has eleven agro climatic zones out of the total 16 in the country having diversity in soil composition and climatic condition. Nearly 20, 18,620 hectare area is covered under horticulture crops with the production of 288.41 Lakh Metric tons. All major fruits, vegetables, spices, flowers and medicinal and aromatic crops find equally fertile land and climate in the state.  Fruits cover 3, 54,060 hectare, vegetables cover 8,89,740  hectare, spices  6,98,060 hectare, flowers 31,480  hectare and medicinal & aromatic crops cover 45,290 hectare land. Major fruits include s Guava,  Mango, Banana, and Orange while vegetables includes Green Peas, Potatoes, Onion, Tomato and spices cover Coriander, Chilies, and Garlic with high yields. (Click for view more details)